8 Interventions by private sector experts
4 Academics insights
3 Institutional insights
1 Forward thinking workshop
October 14, 2022

The concept of the summer school of the supply chain of the future chair was positioned from the beginning as a privileged moment of exchange for the chair, allowing partners teams to gain perspective on the major topics of the future, to reflect in group, to share common analysis, to progress in a prospective approach, to share their own feedback but also the ones of other companies, and finally, to draw on complementary points of view and perspectives ( academic, institutional and others).

The theme chosen for the chair’s 2022 summer school

This theme is one of the major prospective themes for a supply chain of the future. The idea is to answer the following question:

“What reasonable dimension can we give to the notion of an autonomous supply chain in 10/15 years and what paths could be envisaged to get there ?”

Suggested lines of thought :

  • Predictive analysis/ability to understand and interpret the impact of exogenous factors to forecast supply and demand/use of AI, machine learning…
  • Data platforms/multiplicity of data/ability to retrieve data from highly variable signals.
  • Decision making via self learning-algorithms (ensure relevant recommendations based on the procession of a considerable amount of data).
  • Organizational process to allow an effective implementation of these autonomous supply chains (IA & Human relationship).

The program of this meeting was articulated around the following different insights :

  • A framing of the subject with Samuel Demont, data and AI specialist for the supply chain, who launched and led IRIS by Argon & Co, a team of experts on operations, data scientists, and data engineers within Argon & Co who specialize in the use of data for operational performance.
  • Institutional insights, with the innovation policy of the DGE (General Direction of companies), the Big Data policy of the Paris Region Institute and the insights of the SHiftProject on the environmental impact of digital technology.
  • Academic insights with researchers from the Ponts Laboratories, Ceramics, LVMT and Imagine (computer vision, machine learning, optimization), as well as a joint intervention between school of the Ponts and the CEA on the smart grids/smart supply chain analogy.
  • Insights from industrial experts within RTE, Scheinder Electric, Safran, DCBrain, La Poste, SAP.
  • Insights from entrepreneurs with DCBrain, DiagRAMS Technologies (expert in industrial data science & predictive maintenance software solution) and the firm Lokad (quantitative supply chain).

A collective reflection workshop with the teams of the 4 partners of the chair and certain researchers of the school of Ponts, closed this summer school 2022 positioned on the prospective theme of the empowerment of the supply chain.

Read all about the Supply Chain of the Future Chair in the press