The chair "Supply Chain of the Future" is an integral part of the École nationale des ponts et chaussées. This major French engineering school, created in 1747, trains engineers to a high level of scientific, technical and general competency. Beyond civil engineering and land-use planning, that have historically made its prestige, the School develops high quality programs and research related to the challenges of sustainable development and social responsibility.
The school’s 16 teaching and research chairs are entirely devoted to it, combining scientific and technical objects, economic reality and societal acceptability.
The chair is led by Fabrice Bonneau, president of the industrial engineering department of the École nationale des ponts et chaussées, and also founding partner of the consulting firm Argon & Co.
The chair is coordinated by Salima Haddour Runacher, strategy consultant and engineer of the École nationale des ponts et chaussées, and is placed under the scientific direction of Philippe Wieser, teacher at EPFL (School POlytechnique federal of Lausanne) and at school of Ponts ParisTech, and also director of IML (International Institute for the MAnagement of Logistics).
The Chair team is led by the following supply chain managers from the Chair's partners:
- Camille Demarquilly, Director of supply chain engineering
Aimé-Frédéric Rosenzweig, Expert Leader Supply Chain
Louis Vuitton
Morgan Dizier, Supply Chain Transformation Manager
Thibault Vandenberghe, Supply Chain Transformation Manager
Argon & Co
Aurélie Delemarle, Principal, Sustainability Offer
Casino Group represented by CDiscount
- Théo Badoc, Innovation & CSR project manager