Organizational Agility and Agility for SI workshop
June 09, 2021

This one-day long seminar which took place in the hotel of industry in Paris dealt with the topic of agility in supply chain. There were two main reflection axes: agility in terms of organizational approach and in terms of process SI. 
Different experiences sharing have been presented by the four partners of the Chair:

  • Organizational agility in supply chain: which approach, which difficulty encountered, concrete agile transformation cases in supply chain.
  • Agility in the SI’s process. 

Alternatively, the seminary also helped to deal with different prospects about the agility through speakers external to the Chair:

  • An academic perspective around the freed company with Caroline Mattelin-Pierrard. Conference master in management sciences in the department “ Company economic strategy” of the PRISM laboratory, the topics of her research deal with organizational and management innovation. More precisely, she is interested in new organization like the freed company, and she talks about innovative management on a responsible management scope (from the records to effects)
  • An expert highlight on the organizational agility with Thomas Tugendhat, General Director at Stanwell, who came back on the learnings of Club Agile freshly initiated by Stanwell, and on agile transformation’s methods in the bank and insurance sector.
  • A highlight on SI’s agility with Theodo’s team (Julien Laure, CEO, Kevin Raynel, Deputy CTO, and Cyril Awad, Sales Manager & Project Director), to answer the question “How Do you go from an agile project to an agile organization?”.

Read all about the Supply Chain of the Future Chair in the press